Monday, September 25, 2006

letteth your speech be seasoned with salteth

I admit I was taken back yesterday when our pastor began speaking about his daughter's abdominal troubles, and he started correlating it with passages in the Bible that talk about "bowels of compassion." He said there was a possibility his daughter was having problems in her intestines because leaders in the world didn't have bowels of compassion, which was so amazing that I nearly laughed out loud on spot. Ah, what a lovely church world we live in . . . . always trying to throw something in that sounds biblical so people will think we have spiritual answers for everything that happens in our lives. I understand why we do it, but it sometimes gets so silly.

We have a powerpoint operator in church who struggles with this as well. While singing the song "Adonai," the screen repeatedly shows this line:

You are Lord over all thee Earth
You are Lord over all thee Earth
You are Lord over all thee Earth
You are Lord over all thee Earth

When asked why the word "thee" shouldn't be reduced to "the," the operator simply responded, "Oh, but 'thee' sounds so much more spiritual and holy. I like it." Well, maybe it does, but buddy, it means 'you.'

Do you have any favorite Christianese sayings/stories?


Anonymous said...

i thought you were joking when you said they said "thee" sounded more spiritual. how ignorant. i guess "your" sounds more spiritual than "you're" too.

blake said...

I feel like the guy doesn't speak English very well. He can hardly understand me. But yeah, he won't change things like this, and I don't understand why.

Anonymous said...

It might be refreshing to hear a pastor get up just once and say, "And as for his tragedy, there is no answer. At least not one that we can ever hope to know this side of eternity." Do you think people would except such an answer. We always want instant fixes even from our spiritual leaders. We have fast internet, e-mails, text messaging, microwaves, etc.--who wants to wait for God. We want instant answers from God, instant healing, instant gratification. I say slow down, enjoy life, put your feet up for awhile because you aren't getting out alive anyway so why are you in such a hurry?

Anonymous said...

Our church uses Sunday Plus as a powerpoint program for hymns. There isn't a spell check on it anywhere. I know I looked. I spent hours going back over songs someone typed in to correct their typos and finally said, "Let's just change the way we sing it. It's easier!"