Friday, May 26, 2006

a blessing from the Chinese

I was at a conference for Christian international students last week, and one of the things we were consistently given during meal/snack times was fortune cookies. I can recall eating at least four of them, which is more than I've ever had at any one time. I also had someone of immense spiritual maturity choose my fortunes for me, so I would definitely know I was hearing the voice of God. Many thanks to the Chinese as well for providing me with this hidden gem. Here was my best one:


tiffanie said...

well duh... except those hunters probably thought "fortune" had to do with cash not cookies. i'd take the cookies.

Anonymous said...

Would you like to make a fortune? I have a "no fail" investment for you. If you would just send me $4,000, I will return your investment sevenfold. Are you a mover and a shaker? Do you have the "heart" to be a rich man? Send me your check today!