Thursday, February 23, 2006

conundrums, and other things nuns play

Okay, enough with the funny side. Tonight is the night for us to dig down deep. We're talking major seriousness. Life and death could hang in the balance. You have to make a big decision for me. I'm counting on you!

So let's say I was going to choose one of three options (remember this is heavy).




Which one should I pick? Which one would you pick? I'm in need of some help.

PS I really don't like C. Please don't pick that one.


jo portnoy said...

did you mean 1 2 and 3? I pick 2. I like things that are in the middle.

Anonymous said...

I like the color of door number three.....although the design might be kewler on #1.....i think id go with 3#!

you are crazy:)

mmm... said...
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mmm... said...

Wait, are you going to propose to someone? Is that why there is a picture of a girl's hand, focusing on her lack of ring? I say door # 2. Is that the big fat Tiffany's ring that costs $25000? Door 2, even if it doesn't involve a proposal.

blake said...

If I had a $25000 ring from Tiffany's, I have a feeling they'd be knocking at MY door.

And no, no proposal. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Is this the way God has us choose our futures? He gives us three doors and then has us pick one. That could either be really exciting or really scary. How did Monte/Mike see a ring? I looked but couldn't see anything that reminded me of a ring. And you say that girls are the only ones with that on their minds!

blake said...

Guys have lots of stuff on their minds, most of which doesn't need to be repeated.

PS You didn't pick a door!